Welcome to another issue of Quick Times Drag Racing News, this issue is later than expected as last week I had
to study for my Bike Instructor exams. Thankfully I passed with a glowing reference, so now I am a fully qualified Motorcycle Instructor. I guess that means the Shakespeare County Raceway School of
Motorcycle Drag Racing could have some potential! Firstly I've got to start with a huge thank you to everyone who e-mailed me, sent letters
and commented on the first issue of Quick Times under my editorship. I had a lot of good comments about the newsletter and the web letter, a few things pointed out that will be corrected and a few ideas to help
shape and develop Quick Times into the newsletter that you all want to see. Also this issue plans to be mistake free, the observant among you will have noticed around 5 mistakes in the previous issue, thanks to
all who pointed them out. Quite a bit has gone on from the last issue, we have had the Mopar Nationals and Super Series 2. Again during Super Series 2 we saw a lot of track records being broken as the
conditions were perfect for racing, in fact several racers especially the bike class (or should that be unicycle class) commented on how well prepped the track was. Hats off to Bruno and the fast team for that
one, as Bruno bright as a button was up early on Saturday and Sunday morning prepping and spraying the track before racing commenced. So what's in store in this issue and how will the newsletter
develop? I'm still unsure as to how the newsletter will develop, do I keep it mixed bike and cars, do I section it bikes at the front cars at the back or vice versa, also do I dedicate pages to people, teams, web
sites, club issues etc. All I can tell you is stick with me on this one as you will see it start to develop and become more of my style rather than a mix match. In this issue we have Mopar Nats, Super Series
2, Top Fuel Bike, Eurodragster, Jade Racing, Outlaw Anglias, FAST and even a Nostalgia page as well as the usual news round up from around the scene… so put the feet up, make a drink and enjoy the commentary! |