Top Fuel, Top Meeting Top This... |
Who can dispute the excellent show that Shockwave and Showtime put on for us here at Shakespeare County Raceway during Super Series 1. With such a
fiery enthusiasm to come back and race, we are delighted to confirm that both drivers and cars will be returning for the August Bank Holiday event. This has
came about through the hard work Tina and Terry dedicate to Shakespeare County Raceway.In a recent e-mail this is what they had to say:
'We have already secured Shockwave and Showtime for the August Bank Holiday plus negotiations with other Funny Car teams
plus Top Fuel teams are under way. The plan is to have 2 Jet cars as well. We are trying to make this the biggest meeting yet for
the Super Series but its like everything negotiations can be hard work. Spuffard and Smith put a great show on at SS1 and we didn't have any hesitation in asking them back. Regards, Tina and Terry'
We will bring you news of other competitors once they are confirmed.
Articles for Quick Times |
If you would like a mention or maybe even like a page dedicated to your club, then all you need to do is send me the necessary
information and I'll do the rest.Quick Times is for the racers, members and supporters of Shakespeare County Raceway, the newsletter should contain what you want to see and read about. What I would like to see is
more articles from within the various classes that race, tell me what's going on your area of this sport. Also and the bikers will remember this one, AWoL (excellent bikers mag) had a section called 'Last
Words', and this could basically be used to voice opinions or concerns. Would this work within Quick Times, are you interested in doing articles for this or would a simple letters page be more in
tune. Anyway I'll leave the thoughts to you and look forward to discussing this one in the next issue. |
Honourable Mention |
As you will no doubt be aware at a Super Series we do an awful lot of running around and organising to make sure that it all works
together quite nicely The girls that work in the fire up road and pairing lanes have asked me to say thank you and give a special mention to one person who makes their life a lot easier. When it comes to the
Supertwin guys, one person seems to control them with a rod of iron, and makes sure they are in their pairs and on time. That lady is Sue Beneke, and you'll see her scooting about on her little yellow moped
organising and sorting out all the Supertwin riders. So from us here at Shakespeare County Raceway we would like to say a huge thank you for making our life just that little bit easier. |
Challenge Jerry and Dave |
On the 15th and 16th of July we will be holding our annual British Mini Day, with the quickest Mini
last year setting a time of 12.33s its sure to be an exciting event. To spice things up a little Jerry Cookson has laid down a challenge to Dave Hollis to match him on the track in a best of 3 British
Mini Challenge. Now if anyone has a Mini they would like to get some extra publicity for then please contact Jerry with further details at quartermilenewsmakers@yahoo.co.uk We'll have the results
and a report next issue. |
Mid-West Comes to Cheltenham |
Les Sanderson from the Mid West American Auto Club has dropped us a line about the club's forthcoming show in Cheltenham on August
18th/20th. The club are holding a show and would really like to see as many drag racers and their vehicles there as possible, to help promote the sport and Shakespeare County Raceway. This show falls just
before the August bank holiday Super Series and anyone entering into the spirit of promoting the sport will be given a weekend's free entry pass.
For further details contact Les or Jackie on 01242 576082 or for more details, log on to www.mid-west.co.uk. |