Speed with Safety
In the time it has taken to read the first paragraph of this news release the life of a racing driver could have been saved thanks to a
dedicated volunteer force of motor racing enthusiasts who act as safety marshals.
Although the sport of drag racing is very much a high powered
straight line contest between two cars, it does have an element of danger. Highly regarded by most as one of the safest of all motorsports, nevertheless a lot can happen in a quarter of a mile!
Drag racing, and in particular Avon Park Raceway, has its own dedicated few who look after the safety aspect of the sport. Known internationally as F.A.S.T. (Fire & Accident Safety Teams), their
colourful rescue response units have become a regular fixture on the start and finish lines of every Avon Park Raceway event.
Whether it's something as spectacular as rescuing a driver from a burning race car or as mundane as clearing up after an oil spill, F.A.S.T. crew members are a major component of an event.
F.A.S.T. was set up ten years ago by Bruno Sanderson-Brown to specialize in drag racing fire and rescue. It is a non-profit
making organization, relying on sponsorship and donations, with any extra income, other than running costs, pumped back into
continually improving the units safety equipment and vehicles. All F.A.S.T. members are volunteers.
Drag racing, its competitors and its legion of racing fans, all rely on a safe track. Trained by the best in the motor sport safety business,
America's 'Safety Safari' division of the N.H.R.A. (National Hot Rod Association), F.A.S.T. already have a large inventory of safety equipment including the jaws of life, cutting equipment, and most
important of all, fire extinguishers. However, there's always room for improvements to be made.
F.A.S.T. associate sponsors include Kendall Oil, Allglass, Jeff Bull
Race Engines, Obsession Motorsports and Signart Digital Designs.